HIV Prevention

HIV Prevention

“Unit and fight for a future  without AIDS.”

The ultimate goal of HIV Prevention interventions is to stop the occurrence of new HIV infections through primary and secondary prevention measures. RRP+ support the national HIV program in reduction of new HIV infections and the severity of HIV through early detection and prompt interventions.
Special considerations is for women, youth, sero-discordant couples, vulnerable and key populations – especially female sex workers, men who have sex with men and people who injecting drugs – to reduce their risk of contracting or/and transmitting HIV. To achieve the goals and objectives of the HIV Prevention program, RRP+ works in a coordinated effort with Government, Health Facilities (HFs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), RRP+ Member organizations and other partners in HIV response through  activities below:

Community HIV awareness

Through peer education approach, across the country, RRP+ works with more than 5,200 peer educators who are based in community and closely working with populations, especially with PLHIV, and health facilities.

Prevention with Positive

To break the cycle of HIV transmission, with special focus on:

Advocacy for HIV prevention services

This is a strategic process, largely used by RRP+, to influence positive political, social, economic and/or cultural change in relation to HIV prevention services provided to people infected and affected by HIV.

Prevention of Mother to child Transmission

Through peer education approach, members of RRP+ who need to have children, are encouraged to follow PMTCT principles and are linked to health facilities to give birth to children free from HIV.

Promotion of sexual reproductive health and rights among adolescents living with HIV

This is about reduction of new HIV infections and unwanted pregnancies among youth living with HIV, by improving the availability and accessibility of sexual and reproductive health services that are well-adapted to the specific needs of youth.

RRP+  plays a pivotal  role in raising awareness  about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) through peer educators. These peer educators empower communities to lead healthier lives by providing access to comprehensive SRHR information and services, increased awareness on consent  in sexual activity, demonstration on condom use and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). 

This team of peer educators, working in collaboration with Healthcare workers  and community members are essential in delivering SRHR information; safe sex practices,  HIV prevention methods, among other aspects.

RRP+ therefore leverages community outreach teams  to normalize conversations around SRH and HIV, hence creating a safe space for individuals  to ask questions  and get access to services or any support they need without fear of judgement.

HIV and Family Planning Awareness

RRP+ is committed to improving the health and well-being of people living with HIV by promoting accessible and comprehensive family planning services. At the community level through peer education support groups, community members are able to discuss the following:

 (1) The importance of family planning in PLHIV

(2) The usage of available contraceptive methods in Rwanda and,

 (3) How to make decision on which method to be used, under facilitation of health care providers.

All in all, RRP+ plays an essential role in the HIV response by leveraging peer education to raise awareness about family planning and SRH. Through peer-to-peer connections, communities can further open discussions on these sensitive topics, leading to better-informed decisions, reduced stigma and improved access to health services.

Support to the implementation of national prevention strategies

This is mainly done through: