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Uniting for Health: HIV Ambassadors urge fellow youth to embrace preventive measures

On May 18, 2024, a one week community HIV prevention awareness campaign was concluded in Rwanda’s eastern province. The campaign that RRP+ Youth Ambassadors featured in, with their educative testimonies, targeted youth in Ngatare and Gatsibo districts, Key and general populations.

According to the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), young people aged 15-29 are at increased risk and account for a significant proportion of new HIV infections. Among other objectives, the campaign also aimed at facilitating Civil Society Organizations in raising awareness on HIV delivery and utilization especially among adolescents and youth.

In an interview with the press, Dr. Mireille Joyce from RBC advised people living with HIV to avoid self stigma, where they can as well get antiretroviral therapy from a health facility of their choice, instead of leaving their bodies to weaken; so that they stay healthier.

In his testimony, one of the RPP+ Youth Ambassadors addressed a large number of Youth in Muhura sector/Gatsibo district on how one can live beyond HIV and Stigma, as he reflected from his own personal experience.

“I was first frustrated after receiving my HIV test results, i became desperate, but with the mentorship i got under RRP+ i traversed this stage. I am now employed as a teacher and my future looks bright with hope to live a healthier life”, said Jean Leonce Afazari.

Some of the Stakeholders delivering messages on HIV prevention during the campaign in Muhura sector

Health statistics (2022-2023) still indicate that high rates of recent infections among all age categories are in the eastern province and the city of Kigali, compared to other provinces. Nyagatare, Kayonza, Rwamagana and Bugesera are among such districts.

Youth Ambassadors also joined RBC and other stakeholders in the distribution of condoms & self-test kits

RBC and different stakeholders in this campaign that began with the marking the World AIDS Day of 2023, also look forward to enhancing quality and accessibility to healthcare services for all.

Emmanuel Nuwamanya

Communication Officer

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