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RRP+ participates in the #FastTrackCities 2024 in Paris -France
#FastTrackCities 2024- Paris /France
#FastTrackCities 2024- Paris/France!
Visit by a Chadian delegation to benchmark efforts by RRP+ in the fight against HIV
Introduction of CLM in Gasabo district (Sept 2024)
RRP+ participates in the #CQUIN Working Group pre-meeting in Durban, South Africa (July 2024)
Introduction of Community-Led Monitoring project to stakeholders & establishing #CLM district task teams in Rwamagana district (Sept 2024)
Peer Educators in Kamonyi district celebrate their success in HIV prevention (2024)
RRP+ Chairperson Sylvie MUNEZA also talks about mental health issues among adolescents living with HIV in Rwanda.
RRP+ Executive Secretary Deo MUTAMBUKA address participants during a workshop on mental health issues among adolescents living with HIV in Rwanda
Workshop on mental health issues among adolescents living with HIV in #Rwanda
Health providers & social workers being trained to measure and understand blood pressure readings accurately.
Creating country profiles on NCDs in PLHIV, for comprehensive data
Empowering Health workers to tackle NCDs in PLHIV
Youth Ambassadors in an outreach campaign among fellow youth in Eastern province
Members of cooperative "Abaharaniramahoro" display their corn yield
RRP+ donates goats to members
RRP+ member looks after her cow she acquired from a Cooperative she belongs to.
Forum on HIV Stigma & Gender Equality in Nyagatare
Open discussion on male engagement in fighting HIV Stigma_Karama sector_Nyagatare
Forum on HIV Stigma & Gender Equality in Musanze
Campaign on HIV stigma & Gender Equality in Nkotsi sector
Session of Peer educators @ Remera Health Center
Celebrating RRP+ 20th anniversary
Marking WAD 2023
Panel discussion on 'Data Use' during ICASA 2023
ICASA 2023-Zimbabwe
HIV Awareness campaign in Rubavu (March 2024)
Donation of small livestock to RRP+ members in Rubavu
HIV campaign in Musanze (March 2024)