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In an effort to strengthen the fight against HIV, a group of 40 dynamic youth peer leaders concluded a transformative…
In a radical move toward achieving a more people-centered HIV response, the Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) initiative was officially launched in…
Faced with the growing challenge of patients lost to follow-up on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, peer educators are being equipped with…
A group of passionate young people recently concluded a summer camp in Bugesera district on mental health, stigma in schools…
With gentle calmness, during an interview with the press,59-year-old Marie Goretti Nyirakamana speaks about her son living with HIV. Her…
Laetitia Mukarwego (not real name), is a resident of Nyamata sector in Bugesera district (Eastern province). She runs a small…
On May 18, 2024, a one week community HIV prevention awareness campaign was concluded in Rwanda's eastern province. The campaign…
During a campaign organized by RRP+ in collaboration with the network of Rwandan journalists in the fight against HIV/AIDS (ABASIRWA),…
As HIV, continues to challenge communities, amidst the shadows of stigma and discrimination, RRP+ is engaged in a campaign dedicated…